Chapter L4: Social Fund - Cold Weather Payments
ContentsSocial Fund payments
L4001: | Introduction |
L4003: | Effect of capital |
L4051: | Introduction |
L4061: | Care home |
L4063: | Claimant |
L4065: | Employment |
L4067: | Forecasted and reported period of cold weather |
L4069: | Gainful self-employment |
L4071: | Home |
L4073: | Independent hospital |
L4075: | Station |
L4077: | Winter period |
L4091: | Conditions of entitlement |
L4120: | Prescribed circumstances |
L4150: | The designated Meteorological Office station |
L4171: | Amount of Cold Weather Payment |
L4176: | Overlap period |
Specified alternative stations...............................................................Appendix 2
Chapter L4: Universal Credit - Social Fund - Cold Weather Payments
Social Fund payments - GeneralL4001 Introduction
SF payments under the Act (1) are made for heating expenses during cold weather (2).Note: UC guidance relating to SSMG can be found within ADM chapter L2. UC
guidance relating to SFFP can be found within ADM chapter L3.
1 SS A Act 92, s 167; 2 SS CB Act 92, s 138(1)(a) & (2)
A DM decides any claim for CWP. These decisions have the same right of appealas other DM decisions (1).
1 SS Act 1998, s 12
L4003 Effect of capital
Capital has no effect on claims for CWPs (1).1 SFCWP (Gen) Amdt No. 2 Regs 91, reg 5
Cold weather paymentsL4051 Introduction
This section provides guidance in respect of CWP for a claimant who is claiming orhas claimed UC. This guidance comes into effect on 1.11.131.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Amdt Regs 13, reg 1(2); SFCWP (Gen) Amdt (No. 2) Regs 13, reg 1(2)
A CWP is a payment to meet expenses for heating (1) made out of the social fundunder specified legislation (2). A CWP is normally paid automatically by the UC
Computer System. (See L4121 where a CWP is not paid automatically.)
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2); 2 SS CB Act 92, s 138(2)
DefinitionsL4061 Care home
For the purposes of L4093, care home (1) means an establishment which providesaccommodation, together with nursing or personal care for people who
1. are or have been ill
2. have or who have had a mental disorder
3. are disabled or infirm
4. are or have been dependent on alcohol or drugs
other than a hospital, independent clinic, children's home or other establishment
excepted by regulations.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(5), Care Standards Act 2000, s 3;
Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, Sch 12 para 2
L4063 Claimant
A claimant is a person who is claiming, or has claimed UC (1).1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
L4065 Employment
For the purposes of L4094, employment (1) means employment under a contract ofservice, or in an office including an elective office.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(7)
L4067 Forecasted or reported period of cold weather
Forecasted or reported period of cold weather (1) means a period of sevenconsecutive days, during which the average mean daily temperature is recorded as,
or is forecast to be, equal to zero degrees celsius or below. Where any day is
included in a forecasted period of cold weather, it cannot be included in any other
forecasted period of cold weather. Where any day is included in a reported period of
cold weather, it cannot be included in any other reported period of cold weather.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
L4069 Gainful self-employment
For the purposes of L4094, a person is in gainful self-employment (1) where1. they are carrying on a trade, profession or vocation as their main employment
2. their earnings from that trade, profession or vocation are treated as self-
employed earnings under specified legislation (2) and
3. the trade, profession or vocation is organised, developed, regular and carried on
in expectation of profit.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(7); 2 WR Act 12, s 8(3)
L4071 Home
Home (1) means the dwelling, together with any garage, garden and outbuildingsnormally occupied by the claimant as his home, including any premises not so
occupied, which is impracticable or unreasonable to sell separately e.g. in Scotland,
any croft land on which the dwelling is situated.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
L4073 Independent hospital
For the purposes of L4093, for the meaning of an independent hospital (1) please seeADM chapter L3161.
1 National Health Service Act 2006, s 275; Care Standards Act 2000, s 2;
National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, s 10F(1)(a) & (b)
L4075 Station
Station (1) means a station accredited by the Meteorological Office at which a periodof cold weather may be forecasted or recorded.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
L4077 Winter period
Winterperiod (1) means the period beginning on the 1 November in any year and
ending on 31 March in the following year.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
L4091 Conditions of entitlement « L4092
The first condition (1) is that the claimant has been awarded UC for at least one dayduring the recorded or forecasted period of cold weather.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(2)(e)
Where the claimant has been awarded UC, the second condition (1) is that, in respectof the day to which L4091 relates,
1. the award includes an amount for a child or qualifying young person who is
disabled (2) or
2. the award includes an amount for
2.1 LCW (3) or
2.2 LCWRA (4) or
2.3 or would do so, if it did not include an amount for the caring
responsibility for a severely disabled person (5).
Note: In relation to L4092 2., where the claimant would qualify for the carer element
and the LCW or LCWRA element, only one of those elements may be included in
the award. The element to be included is the LCWRA if the claimant qualifies for it,
or if not, the carer element (6) (see ADM F6014 & F6015).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(3); 2 WR Act 12, s 10(2); 3 WR Act 12, s 12(1) & s 12(2)(a);
4 WR Act 12, s 12(1) & s 12(2)(b); 5 WR Act 12, s 12(2)(c); 6 UC Regs, reg 29(4)
L4093 « L4061 « L4073
The third condition (1), where the claimant has been awarded UC (2), is that the claimantdoes not reside in a
1. care home
2. independent hospital
3. Abbeyfield Home.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(4); 2 reg 1A(4A)
L4094 « L4065 « L4069
The fourth condition (1), which applies only where the claimant has been awarded UCand their award of UC does not include an amount for a child or qualifying young
person who is disabled, is that a CWP is payable where
1. in relation to a recorded period of cold weather, the claimant was not in
employment or gainful self-employment on any day during that period or
2. in relation to a forecasted period of weather, the claimant is not in
employment or gainful self-employment on the day when the Meteorological
Office supplies DWP with the forecast.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1A(6)
L4120 Prescribed circumstances
The prescribed circumstances in which a CWP can be made are that1. a period of cold weather is recorded or forecasted at a designated
Meteorological Office station (1) and
2. the claimant's home (2)
2.1 is situated in a PO postcode district covered by the designated station
or specified alternative weather station or
2.2 is treated as situated in a PO postcode district covered by the nearest
weather station where no alternative station is specified.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(1)(a); 2 reg 2(1)(b)
L4121 « L4052
If a CWP has not been paid automatically by UC Computer System or clerically bythe DM, the DM should treat any representations about entitlement as a claim and
decide whether there is any entitlement (1). The claimant has the right of appeal
against the DM's decision (2). However, a CWP cannot be made more than 26 weeks
from and including the last day of the winter period in which the relevant period of
cold weather falls (3). This allows time for a claimant to report a change if they feel
they may have qualified after receiving their winter fuel bills in association with the
winter season for which help with heating expenses is provided.
1 SS Act 98, s 8(1)(a); 2 s 12(1)(a); SS CS (D&A) Regs 26(b); 3 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(6)
A cold weather period is recorded at the Fylingdales Meteorological Station for theperiod 13.1.14 to 19.1.14. John has been in receipt of UC since September 2013
and lives at an address with a postcode YO (62). On 25.6.14 he applies for a
backdated payment of a CWP stating his daughter Jordan was born on 2.1.14 but
he did not notify the Department of the birth at the time. The DM determines that no
additional amount is included in John's UC for a disabled child, so also needs to
determine whether John was in employment or gainful self-employment on any day
during the recorded period. As John was not in employment or gainful self-
employment during that period, the DM treats this as a claim and decides John is
entitled to a CWP, as the claim is within 26 weeks of the recorded period of cold
L4150 The designated Meteorological Office station
PO postcode districts (1) are linked to designated weather stations. PO postcodeshave four parts to them
1. area example
LS14 1NX
2. district example LS14 1NX
3. sector example LS (14) 1NX
4. group of houses/building example LS (14) 1NX.
A postcode district may also include a letter at the end example SW (1)A.
The DM should ignore the letter at the end of the postcode district when deciding
which weather station covers the claimant's home. A list of primary weather stations
and their linked PO postcode districts is at Appendix 1 to this Chapter.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2) & 2 & Sch 1
A cold weather period is triggered when the weather station1. records a period of cold weather or
2. forecasts (1) that a period of cold weather will occur.
The Meteorological Office notify SF Problem Management, Live Support of cold
weather periods, who then notify District Offices.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
Appendix 2 to this Chapter is a list of specified alternative weather stations (1) for useif information is not available from the primary station.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(1A)(a), reg 2(1B)(a) & Sch 2
If the primary (or any specified alternative) station is unable to provide details forany day, the nearest station to the primary station that can provide temperature
details for that day will be treated as the linked station (1).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(1A)(b), reg 2(1B)(b)
If the claimant's home is not situated in a listed area the DM should1. check the area defined in Appendix 1 to this Chapter.
2. establish which area covers the claimant's home and
3. treat the station appropriate to that area as the claimant's designated station (1).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2 & Sch 1
L4171 Amount of Cold Weather Payment
The amount of the payment in respect of each period of cold weather will be£25.001.
1 SFCWP (Gen) Reg, reg 3; SFCWP (Gen) Amdt Regs 2011, reg 1(2)
L4176 Overlap period
When a forecasted period of cold weather shares one or more days with a recordedperiod of cold weather, the shared days will form an overlap period forming part of
the forecasted period (1).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 1(2)
If both a recorded and a forecasted period of cold weather are linked by an overlapperiod, the DM should only make payment for the forecasted period (1), but see L4179
if the qualifying conditions are not satisfied in the forecasted period (1).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(3)
No cold weather period triggered before day oneQualifying conditions satisfied throughout the recorded/forecasted periods
Forecasted period
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Recorded period
Eligible period is days 1-13 inclusive. A CWP is made for the period 7-13.
Payment may be made for the last recorded period of cold weather (1) if1. there is a continuous period of recorded and forecasted periods and
2. each of those periods is linked by an overlap period and
3. the total number of recorded periods exceeds the total number of forecasted
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(4)
Qualifying conditions satisfied throughout the recorded/forecasted periodsForecasted period
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Recorded period
Recorded period
1. Eligible period 14 days 1-14 inclusive
2. A CWP is made for the forecasted period 5-11
3. A CWP is made for the last recorded period 8-14.
L4179 « L4177
A payment can be made for the recorded period where the claimant1. would have been entitled to a CWP but for the fact that a forecasted period
takes priority and
2. is unable to satisfy the qualifying conditions for at least one day of the
forecasted period (1).
1 SFCWP (Gen) Regs, reg 2(5)
QualifyingConditions Satisfied
Forecasted Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Recorded period
1. Qualifying conditions satisfied in the recorded period up to day 4
2. Qualifying conditions not satisfied in the forecasted period
3. Eligible period is days 1-12
4. A CWP is made for the period 1-7.
Appendix 1Identification of stations and postcode districts
Column (1)
Column (2)
Meteorological Office Station
Postcode districts
1. Aberporth
SA (35) - 48, SA (64) - 65.
2. Aboyne
AB (30) - 34, AB (38), AB (51)- 55, DD (8) - 9.
3. Albemarle
DH (1) - 7, DH (9), DL (4) - 5, DL (14) - 17, NE (1) - 13, NE (15)
- 18, NE (20) - 21, NE (23), NE (25) - 46, SR (1) - 7, TS (21), TS (28) - 29.
4. Andrewsfield
CB (1) - 5, CB (10) - 11, CB (21) - 25, CM (1) - 9, CM (11) 24, CM (77), CO (9), RM (4), SG (8) - 11.
5. Auchincruive
DG (9), KA (1)-26, KA (28) - 30, PA (20).
6. Aultbea
IV (21) - 22, IV (26).
7. Aviemore
AB (37), IV (13), PH (19) - 26.
8. Bainbridge
BD (23) - 24, DL (8), DL (11) - 13.
9. Bedford
MK (1) - 19, MK (40) - 46, NN (1) - 16, NN (29), PE (19), SG (5) - 7, SG (15) - 19.
10. Bingley
BB (4), BB (8) - 12, BB (18), BD (1) - 22, BL (0), BL (7) - 8, HD (3), HD (7)-9, HX (1) - 7, LS (21), LS (29), OL (1) - 5, OL (11)
- 16, S36.
11. Bishopton
G1 - 5, G11 - 15, G20 - 23, G31 - 34, G40 - 46, G51 - 53, G60 - 62, G64, G66, G69, G71 - 78, G81 - 84, ML (1) - 5, PA (1) - 19, PA (21) - 27, PA (32).
12. Boscombe Down
BA (12), RG (28), SO (20) - 23, SP (1) - 5, SP (7), SP (9) - 11.
13. Boulmer
NE (22), NE (24), NE (61) - 70.
14. Braemar
AB (35) - 36, PH (10) - 11, PH (18).
15. Brize Norton
OX (1) - 6, OX (8), OX (10) - 14, OX (18), OX (20), OX (25) 29, OX (33), OX (44), SN (7).
16. Capel Curig
LL (24)-25, LL (41).
17. Cardinham (Bodmin)
PL (13) - 18, PL (22) - 35, TR (9).
18. Carlisle
CA (1) - 8, DG (12), DG (16).
19. Cassley
IV (27) - 28, KW (11), KW (13).
20. Charlwood
BN (5) - 6, BN (44), GU (5) - 6, ME (6), ME (14) - 20, RH (1) 20, TN (1) - 20, TN (22), TN (27).
21. Charterhall
NE (71), TD (1) - 6, TD (8), TD (10) - 15.
22. Chivenor
EX (23), EX (31) - 34, EX (39).
23. Coleshill
B1 - 21, B23 - 38, B40, B42 - 50, B60 - 80, B90 98, CV (1) - 12, CV (21) - 23, CV (31) - 35, CV (37), CV (47), DY (1) - 14, LE (10), WS (1) - 15, WV (1) - 16.
24. Crosby
CH (41) - 49, CH (60) - 66, FY (1) - 8, L1 - 40, PR (1) - 5, PR (8) - 9, PR (25) - 26.
25. Culdrose
TR (1) - 8, TR (10) - 20, TR (26) - 27.
26. Dunkeswell Aerodrome
DT (6) - 8, EX (1) - 5, EX (8)-15, EX (24), TA (21).
27. Dunstaffnage
PA (30) - 31, PA (34) - 35, PA (37) - 38, PA (62) - 65, PA (67) - 75, PA (80).
28. Dyce
AB (10) - 16, AB (21) - 25, AB (39), AB (41) - 43.
29. Edinburgh Gogarbank
EH (1) - 42, EH (47) - 49, EH (51) - 55, FK (1) - 7, FK (9) 10, KY (3), KY (11) - 12.
30. Eskdalemuir
DG (3) - 4, DG (10) - 11, DG (13) - 14, ML (12), TD (7), TD (9).
31. Filton
BS (1) - 11, BS (13) - 16, BS (20) - 24, BS (29) - 32, BS (34)
- 37, BS (39) - 41, BS (48) - 49, GL (11) - 13, NP (16), NP (26).
32. Fylingdales
YO (13), YO (18), YO (21) - 22, YO (62).
33. Gravesend
BR (5) - 8, CM (0), DA (1) - 18, ME (1) - 5, ME (7) - 8, RM (1) 3, RM (5) - 20, SS (0) - 17.
34. Hawarden Airport
CH (1) - 8, LL (11) - 14, SY (14).
35. Heathrow
BR (1) - 4, CR (0), CR (2) - 9, E1 - 18, EC (1)-4, EN (1) - 5, EN (7) - 11, HA (0) - 9, IG (1) - 11, KT (1) - 24, N1 - 22, NW (1) - 11, SE (1) - 28, SL (0), SL (3), SM (1) - 7, SW (1) - 20, TW (1) - 20, UB (1) - 11, W1 - 14, WC (1) - 2, WD (1) - 2.
36. Hereford-Credenhill
GL (1) - 6, GL (10), GL (14) - 20, GL (50) - 53, HR (1) - 9, NP (7) - 8, NP (15), NP (25), SY (8), WR (1) - 11, WR (13) - 15.
37. Herstmonceux, West End
BN (7) - 8, BN (20) - 24, BN (26) - 27, TN (21), TN (31) - 40.
38. High Wycombe
HP (5) - 23, HP (27), OX (9), OX (39), OX (49), RG (9), SL (7) 9.
39. Hurn (Bournemouth Airport)
BH (1) - 25, BH (31), DT (1)-2, DT (11), SP (6).
40. Isle of Portland
DT (3) - 5.
41. Keele
CW (1) - 3, CW (5), CW (12), ST (1) - 8, ST (11) - 12, ST (14) 21.
42. Kinloss
AB (44) - 45, AB (56), IV (1) - 3, IV (5), IV (7) - 12, IV (15) - 20, IV (30) - 32, IV (36).
43. Kirkwall
KW (15) - 17.
44. Lake Vyrnwy
LL (20) - 21, LL (23), SY (10), SY (15) - 17, SY (19), SY (21) 22.
45. Leconfield
DN (14), HU (1) - 20, YO (11) - 12, YO (14) - 17, YO (25).
46. Leek
DE (4), DE (45), S32 - 33, SK (13), SK (17), SK (22) - 23, ST (9) - 10, ST (13).
47. Lerwick
ZE (1) - 3.
48. Leuchars
DD (1) - 7, DD (10) - 11, KY (1) - 2, KY (6) - 10, KY (15) - 16, PH (12), PH (14).
49. Linton on Ouse
DL (1) - 3, DL (6) - 7, DL (9) - 10, HG (1) - 5, LS (1) - 20, LS (22) - 28, TS (9), TS (15) - 16, YO (1), YO (7) - 8, YO (10), YO (19), YO (23) - 24, YO (26), YO (30) - 32, YO (41) - 43, YO (51), YO (60) - 61.
50. Liscombe
EX (16), EX (35) - 36, TA (22), TA (24).
51. Little Rissington
CV (36), GL (54) - 56, OX (7), OX (15) - 17, WR (12).
52. Loch Glascarnoch
IV (4), IV (6), IV (14), IV (23) - 24, IV (63).
53. Loftus
SR (8), TS (1) - 8, TS (10) - 14, TS (17) - 20, TS (22) - 27.
54. Lusa
IV (40) - 49, IV (51) - 56, PH (36), PH (38) - 41.
55. Lyneham
BA (1) - 3, BA (11), BA (13) - 15, GL (7) - 9, RG (17), SN (1) 6, SN (8) - 16, SN (25) - 26.
56. Machrihanish
KA (27), PA (28) - 29, PA (41) - 49, PA (60).
57. Manston
CT (1) - 21, ME (9) - 13, TN (23) - 26, TN (28) - 30.
58. Marham
CB (6) - 7, IP (24) - 28, PE (12) - 14, PE (30) - 38.
59. Mona
LL (33) - 34, LL (42) - 49, LL (51) - 78.
60. North Wyke
EX (6) - 7, EX (17) - 22, EX (37) - 38, PL (19) - 21, TQ (1) 6, TQ (9) - 14.
61. Norwich Airport
NR (1) - 35.
62. Nottingham Watnall
CV (13), DE (1) - 3, DE (5) - 7, DE (11) - 15, DE (21) - 24, DE (55) - 56, DE (65), DE (72) - 75, LE (1) - 9, LE (11) - 14, LE (16) - 19, LE (65), LE (67), NG (1) - 22, NG (25), NG (31) 34.
63. Pembrey Sands
SA (1) - 8, SA (14) - 18, SA (31) - 34, SA (61) - 63, SA (66) 73.
64. Plymouth
PL (1) - 12, TQ (7) - 8.
65. Redesdale
CA (9), DH (8), NE (19), NE (47) - 49.
66. Rhyl
LL (15) - 19, LL (22), LL (26) - 32.
67. Rostherne
BL (1) - 6, BL (9), CW (4), CW (6) - 11, M1 - 9, M11 - 35, M38, M40 - 41, M43 - 46, M50, M90, OL (6) - 10, PR (7), SK (1) - 12, SK (14) - 16, WA (1) - 16, WN (1) - 8
68. Rothamsted
AL (1) - 10, EN (6), HP (1) - 4, LU (1) - 7, SG (1) - 4, SG (12) 14, WD (3) - 7, WD (17) - 19, WD (23) - 25.
69. St. Athan
CF (3), CF (5), CF (10) - 11, CF (14) - 15, CF (23) - 24, CF (31)
- 36, CF (61) - 64, CF (71) - 72, NP (10), NP (18) - 20, SA (10) - 13.
70. St. Bees Head
CA (13) - 15, CA (18) - 28.
71. Salsburgh
EH (43) - 46, G65, G67 - 68, ML (6) - 11.
72. Scilly, St. Mary's
TR (21) - 25.
73. Sennybridge
LD (1) - 8, SA (19) - 20, SY (7), SY (9), SY (18).
74. Shap
CA (10) - 12, CA (16) - 17, LA (8) - 10, LA (21) - 23.
75. Shawbury
SY (1) - 6, SY (11) - 13, TF (1) - 13.
76. Sheffield
DN (1) - 8, DN (11) - 12, HD (1) - 2, HD (4) - 6, S1 - 14, S17 - 18, S20 - 21, S25 - 26, S35, S40 - 45, S60 66, S70 - 75, S80 - 81, WF (1) - 17.
77. South Farnborough
GU (1) - 4, GU (7) - 35, GU (46) - 47, GU (51) - 52, RG (1) 2, RG (4) - 8, RG (10), RG (12), RG (14), RG (18) - 27, RG (29) - 31, RG (40) - 42, RG (45), SL (1) - 2, SL (4) - 6, SO (24).
78. Stonyhurst
BB (1) - 3, BB (5) - 7, LA (2), LA (6) - 7, PR 6.
79. Stornoway Airport
HS (1) - 9.
80. Strathallan
FK (8), FK (11) - 19, G63, KY (4) - 5, KY (13) - 14, PH (1) - 7, PH (13).
81. Thorney Island
BN (1) - 3, BN (9) - 18, BN (25), BN (41) - 43, BN (45), PO (1) 22, PO (30) - 41, SO (14) - 19, SO (30) - 32, SO (40) - 43, SO (45), SO (50) - 53.
82. Threave
DG (1) - 2, DG (5) - 8.
83. Tiree
PA (61), PA (66), PA (76) - 78, PH (42) - 44.
84. Trawsgoed
LL (35) - 40, SY (20), SY (23) - 25.
85. Tredegar
CF (37) - 48, CF (81) - 83, NP (4), NP (11) - 13, NP (22) - 24, NP (44), SA (9).
86. Tulloch Bridge
FK (20) - 21, PA (33), PA (36), PA (40), PH (8) - 9, PH (15) 17, PH (30) - 35, PH (37), PH (49) - 50.
87. Waddington
DN (9) - 10, DN (13), DN (15) - 22, DN (31) - 41, LN (1) - 13, NG (23) - 24, PE (10) - 11, PE (20) - 25.
88. Walney Island
LA (1), LA (3) - 5, LA (11) - 20.
89. Wattisham
CB (8) - 9, CO (1) - 8, CO (10) - 16, IP (1) - 23, IP (29) - 33.
90. Wick Airport
IV (25), KW (1) - 3, KW (5) - 10, KW (12), KW (14).
91. Wittering
LE (15), NN (17) - 18, PE (1) - 9, PE (15) - 17, PE (26) - 29.
92. Yeovilton
BA (4) - 10, BA (16), BA (20) - 22, BS (25) - 28, DT (9) - 10, SP (8), TA (1) - 20, TA (23).
Appendix 2
Specified alternative stations
Column (1)
Column (2)
Meteorological Office Station
Specified alternative Station
Aberporth Pembrey
Boulmer Albemarle
Braemar Aboyne
Capel Curig
Lake Vyrnwy
Cardinham (Bodmin)
North Wyke
Carlisle Keswick
Charlwood Kenley
Coleshill Pershore
Crosby Rhyl
Culdrose Scilly
Dunstaffnage Lusa
Edinburgh Gogarbank
Eskdalemuir Redesdale
Filton St
Gravesend Kenley
Heathrow Gravesend
Hereford-Credenhill Pershore
High Wycombe
Hum (Bournemouth Airport)
Keele Shawbury
Kinloss Lossiemouth
Leconfield Linton-on-Ouse
Linton on Ouse
Liscombe North
Mona Rhyl
North Wyke
Rhyl Crosby
Rostherne Keele
St Athan
St Bees Head
Sennybridge Tredegar
Shap Keswick
Sheffield Nottingham
- Watnall
Thorney Island
Threave Dundrennan
Tiree Lusa
Trawsgoed Aberporth
Tulloch Bridge